Missing You

2009 November 24

Created by Nadine 15 years ago
Missing you so much baby, even though we never met, not properly, I miss having you inside me, I miss all my planning for you, it's hard. Today I went got your vase ordered so hopefully in 10 days you will have a wee vase beside your angel so I can put your flowers in it instead of on the ground. I promise I will come to see you tomorrow but with this weather being to terible I will need to wear old shoes, everywhere is so dirty with all this rain. It was Daddy's birthday on Sunday, that's him 28 now, getting old, lol!!! Ferne has another dance competition this Sunday, it's a big one in Edinburgh, we are hoping she gets another trophy like the last one she got 3rd place. Brooke is away football training, thankfully it's inside or she would be soaked to the skin. Leo got his MMR today, Daddy took him in while I was getting your vase ordered. Daddy said he was crying lots when the needle went into his leg, poor Leo. I wonder what you would be into when you got older, would you be like Brooke and like football or like Ferne and like dancing or would you not be interested in any of those things. There are so many questions my sweet angel and no answers to any of them. We are still waiting to get the post mortem results to see what made you die, I really hope we can get answers to that. Sleep tight angel. Love you always. Mummy xx