precious little angel

2010 April 07

Created by Nadine 14 years ago
10 more days and you were due to be born. I think about you every day honey. Leean had a little girl she is called Lilla. You would have been 3 weeks younger than her had everything gone to plan. Auntie Stef and Uncle Jamie got married on Friday, it was a great day and afterwards Anutie Stef gave mummy and daddy a big flower arrangement from the top table to put on your grave that daddy put there on Sunday (Easter day). Mummy didn't come because Ferne was at a dance competition. She did really well, she got a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. I wonder if you would have liked dancing or if you would have been like Brooke and played football, just another question in my list of many that will never be answered. I love you so much and have a special wreath being made for you that we will put on your grave the day you would have been due to be born. Love you forever sweet angel and miss you always. Love mummy xxx