Sleeping angel

2009 November 02

Created by Nadine 15 years ago
This is my tribute to my special sleeping baby angel, Millie who was born sleeping on 25/10/09. I went for my scan on 20/10/09 and my world crashed around me. My baby died and I was almost 16 weeks pregnant. Nothing felt real, I felt like this was not happening to me, how could it? I have 3 healthy children at home so why is my baby not alive anymore? I may never have the answers to this but I am hoping I will. I was told everything that would happen to help me deliver my baby but I opted out of doing it right then as my son had his 1st birthday on the day they wanted me to deliver the baby so I had to carry on with my dead baby inside me for 5 days. It was so hard to do this but it was important to me that Leo got his 1st birthday with his family altogether. Those days felt like the darkest, sadest, longest days of my life. If I didn't have the support of my partner, family and friends I don't know what I would have done, so I would like to take the chance to thank everyone for everything they have done for me. Millie was born on Sunday 25/10/09 at 1015 a.m. She was so small, the midwife was very surprised at how small she was as she was developed to 15 weeks gestation stage but she had not grown, maybe this is what was wrong she could not grow. We saw our baby it was the most heart breaking thing ever but I am glad I did. She would have been a beautiful baby if she had managed to survive and progress into our world. We buried her on Friday 30/10/09 now this was the most difficult of everything seeing her tiny coffin lying in the ground but I have somewhere to go and visit her. I refer to her as my sleeping angel who was too beautiful for earth. Forever in my heart and in my thoughts
